
On “technical debt”

The term “technical debt” is a useful one. Unfortunately, as with anything useful, it is overused and used sloppily. It’s also sometimes misused to disparage a historical decision somebody disagrees with. But more than that, I think it is broadly misinterpreted. The term is intended to help justify work that has no immediate customer benefit,…

First, they came for (2020)…

First they came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out – because I am not an immigrant. Then they came for the sex workers, and I did not speak out – because talking about sex makes me uncomfortable. Then they came for the press, and I did not speak out – because it’s…

Polarized Morality

I’ve been spending time recently trying to understand is how it’s possible for people to overlook the harm their political stance is causing. These people aren’t sociopaths, but they can ignore the injustice of “let’s talk about the looting, not the murders” and the real harm (including deaths!) being caused by “open early” and “I…

An Open Mind

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what it means to have an open mind. It’s hard. Background Reading Before I go any further, I’m going to ask you to look at two things other people have created. First, this brilliant comic by The Oatmeal, which describes the “Backfire Effect.” I’m not going to summarize;…