
Sounders, Philly, and Léo Chu

Soccer is a delicious, multi-faceted game that can be analyzed at many layers: at the team level, one can debate player selection, formation choices, tactical choices, and so on; at the individual level, one can discuss an individual’s athleticism, fitness, ball skills, and on and on. In the attack, one key element to consider at…

On Resolving Debates

Please stop fighting A debate, even when heated, can result in insight, clarity, and a unified decision. Unfortunately, when a debate gets heated it is easy to make up our mind, lock into a position, and begin defending a viewpoint rather than working towards a solution. I believe that having tools to avoid bunkering helps…

Road Rules

Group Travel I recently concluded a month of extended travel with a group of close friends. We do this every four years, traveling somewhere to watch the world cup games together – if the cup is in a country we want to visit, we go there (hi, Brazil!). If it’s in a country to which…

Thoughts on GoLang

Go is a return to C Go can best be understood as an improved implementation of C. From Wikipedia: Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language … with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing,[6] and CSP-style concurrency. Compiled obviously means that before you run it, there’s a compiler that takes a look and makes…

On explicit typing

…or, how to offend a lot of developers in a couple dozen paragraphs.  [original publish date: 27-Jun-2008] Introduction I have not been and will never be a fan of strictly type checked languages. They are too fussy; I’ve spent too much time trying to wrestle the type system into submission. Types, to put it plainly,…

A Farewell to Amazon

[This is a (mildly edited) email I sent to a bunch of Amazonians last week.] I’m writing to let you all know that I have made a hard decision, but one that I’m confident is the right one for me: I have left Amazon as of July 29, 2022. I’m heading off to join…

World Cup Soccer Data

I’m pretty into soccer. I played soccer all of my adult life, except when injuries got in the way. I’m a massive Seattle Sounders fan. And I love the global sport. Every four years since 2006, I have taken a bunch of time off work to travel with a group of friends to watch the…

On Metrics and Measurement

This post describes how to design an effective metrics portfolio, focusing on the distinction between durable output business metrics and input metrics. It explores the difference between business, health, and diagnostic metrics, and discusses three flavors of goals: output business goals, controllable input goals, and launch goals. It discusses the standard form in which all…

On Writing Documents

It has been broadly observed that Amazon is powered by a writing culture. Meetings at Amazon typically begin with at least twenty minutes of silent, communal reading. PowerPoints are rare, reserved for presentations to large audiences. However, I haven’t seen a lot of discussion of how Amazonians approach writing documents. This document attempts to address…