
An Open Mind

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what it means to have an open mind. It’s hard. Background Reading Before I go any further, I’m going to ask you to look at two things other people have created. First, this brilliant comic by The Oatmeal, which describes the “Backfire Effect.” I’m not going to summarize;…

The Stories We Tell with Data

A friend of mine recently posted some data that Elon Musk cites, that compares the deaths from the flu, and from COVID-19, and then cites death statistics from tobacco, alcohol, obesity, road accidents, and pneumonia. “I’m only sharing data,” my friend noted. “Please feel free to interpret it as you see fit.” Of course, that’s…

Rise Up

I saw a couple amazing plays this week, both Hamilton and Les Miserables. They have a common theme: we must stand for something, and that standing for something sometimes means we must get up off our seats and act. (Note: much of the content of this post is a summary of the Ezra Klein interview…

Where is the outrage?

I think American democracy ends this month. I had the opportunity to watch Schiff’s opening statements for the impeachment trial last night. I was already alarmed, but I had resigned myself to the inevitable outcome. No longer. I should have known this, but I did not: the most startling thing I learned is that the…

Link Collection

Russia wants to decrease our faith: our faith in one and another, and our faith in our institutions We’ve spent the past two years studying online disinformation and building a deep understanding of Russia’s strategy, tactics, and impact. … As good marketers, professional trolls manipulate our emotions subtly. … Russia’s goals are to further widen…

Link collection

In the Land of Self-Defeat … rural America is shrinking, and, for some, this means it’s time to go into retreat. Rather than pitching in to maintain what they have, people are willing to go it alone, to devote all their resources to their own homes and their own families. … Mr. Widener told me he…

Bath is a Place

Some quick notes that struck me as I wandered the (eminently walkable) streets of Bath, UK… Form Follows Function. Language Follows Nothing Whatsoever. It occurred to me after several days here that the city is full of people of all shapes and heritage speaking every language, and when they open their mouth it’s impossible to…

“White Christian Panic”

This is mostly a condensed transcript from the Ezra Klein podcast entitled “Behind the panic in white, Christian America.” I’ve woven in a bit of context from another of his podcasts, “What deliberative democracy can, and can’t, do.” That one isn’t nearly as compelling; the most important insights are included in what I’ve written here,…

On Legislating Our Bodies

If you’ve ever said “never again” or quoted that poem that starts, “first they came for,” you should be looking with deep concern at the recent decisions about Caster Semenya (a woman who can run really fast). She was told that if she wants to be called a woman, she needs to harm herself with…