
The Neurophysiology of Love

“People live for love; they kill for love; they die for love. … it is one of the most powerful brain systems on Earth, both for great joy, and for great sorrow.” Helen Fisher is a Biological Anthropologist who has been studying romantic love and sex and attachment for over 30 years. This talk is…

We are all men

Language is interesting. I just learned, uncited on Quora, but I choose to believe it because I want to… The modern word female is not derived from the modern word male. In fact, female derives from the latin word “femina,” from which we retain the idea of feminine; male derives from the latin word “masculus,”…

Race is a social construct

So what does that mean, “a social construct?” I think of it as something that a group tacitly agrees to think, do, or believe which is exists solely because of that agreement. You can sometimes tell if something is a social construct by evaluating if it varies significantly between different groups. For example, the concept…

Dunbar’s number: number of people with whom you can have a “stable social relationship”

Dunbar’s number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships—relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person. Informally, this is “the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a…